Giró, present at the Fruitlogistica 2019 fair in Berlin (Germany)

January 2019

During the days 6th, 7th and 8th of February, Giró has presented in Berlin its main novelties in packaging solutions.

The Fruitlogistica exhibition is an annual event aimed at offering the World’s experts in the horticultural sector the latest innovations. In turn, attendees can hold meetings with our experts and get informed on the perspectives and trends of the upcoming year.

In this edition, Giró has come with more news than ever, among which stand out: the new GirBagger Speed Line, the new Easy Open system and the EcoGiró solutions. 


During Fruitlogistica 2019, some of the most important magazines and newspapers from the industry where interested in Giró's novelties:

Cortes, Sonia (2019) Easy Open, la novedad de Giró. [2019-02-12] Fruit Today. Entrevista escrita. Recuperado de

Ortega, Óscar (2019) "Esta es la edición en la que Grupo Giró presenta más novedades". [2019-01-22] Valencia Fruits. Entrevista escrita. Recuperado de Número 2.837. Página 46.

Concetta Di Lunardo (2019) Easy Open, il nuovo packaging a minor impatto e massimo rendimento. [2019-02-20]. Fresh Plaza. Entrevista escrita. Recuperado de

(2019) Ecogiró, los envases de malla más sostenibles para el sector hortofrutícola [2019-02-26]. Poscosecha. Entrevista recuperada de,seccion:noticias,noticia:80252/

Bastow, Rachel (2019) GirBagger Speed Line - The Best Net Packaging Machine Ever Made, Giró Systems: Sustainable packaging: How to sell fresh produce without harming the environment!, EASY OPEN: The new "open and close" system for the Ultrabag net packaging [2019-05-15]. Xactpack. Entrevista escrita. Recuperado de: