The GirBagger's lightest package
The plastic clip created by Giró
Our best thermalwelded 100% compostable solution
Giró’s first plastic-free clipped packaging
A new style for a traditional packaging
The first plastic-free packaging* for Girbagger
New concept for the current clipped net packaging
Low cost packaging system with high visibility
The easiest way of opening a package
Traditional, different and vintage look
Compact package with horizontal design
A creative, innovative and unique way for packing
The new "open-close" system for the Ultrabag
Attractive, excellent product visibility and easy...
Half Girplus and half Girsac.
The most extended net packaging system in the...
Elegant, ergonomic and great communication surface
A way to embellish your small packs
A packaging that shows its content with an...
The best package design is showing its content
Attractive, modern and elegant alternative
The most traditional and easy to make clipped net...
Giró labeling as an ideal complement for your...
A new solution for the packaging of cellulose bags
A 100% compostable solution for thermalwelded...
A new solution for the manufacture of 100%...
The best printed film for your packaging net bags
Net, the Eco Light solution for trees packaging
A lighter solution for our packages
Knitted net for wrapping
The widest range for the round bale wrapping
We are the inventors of the knitted tubular net
Cost effective solution for clipped mesh bagging
The new machine that fully completes the Speed...
Máximum output and accuracy on count-to-target...
14 bucket multiproduct weigher
One step beyond the edge of GirBagger technology
Net loader
High accuracy checkweigher
World´s softest automatic bagger
The most versatile and productive weigher
Ultimate weighing accuracy and speed
A clipped net machine that (almost) doesn´t stop
The best ratio between quality and price
All your packages with correct weight
The world's most accurate weigher
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